Belfast to Dublin Train Single £10.99 (2hrs) (Online Price
貝爾法斯特到都柏林火車 - 成人單程價 (行車時間 2 小時)
Train Time :
10.35am - 12.40pm
12.35am - 2.42pm
2.05pm - 4.20pm
Train Leaves Lanyon Place, Always arrive at least 30mins before and wait at the train station!
The Train stops at Portadown, Newry, Dundalk, Drogheda then Arrives Dublin Connolly Station.
Always Book online for the Best price :
A Day trip to Bangor
Sydenham Station To Bangor
Above prices is from Sydenham, where you can park your car by Station road area,
Single Ticket is : £4.70
or One Day Return Ticket is : £7.20